If you are looking for a turntable with excellent build quality and attention to detail, a Rega turntable will delight you. Rega, founded in the 1970s in England, has always put simplicity first and continues to do so today. Simple yet elegant in design, Rega turntables have abandoned pretense with their affordable pricing and ease-of-use. They can be used practically right out of the box and their sound quality will astonish the audiophile in you. Rega turntables hold a big promise for consumers – low noise and better speed stability, and they deliver. When you need Rega turntable repair or service, choose to get your turntable repaired by someone knowledgeable and experienced with high-end turntable equipment such as George Meyer AV. George Meyer AV is an Rega Authorized Repair provider and can expertly service and repair your Rega turntable to ensure that it is restored to its original, outstanding state of performance.
Rega Turntable Models: